Not really sure what the original is, but it definitely sounded cool. Maybe you should have better transitions? It just sounds like plug and place to me atm.
Not really sure what the original is, but it definitely sounded cool. Maybe you should have better transitions? It just sounds like plug and place to me atm.
Nice tune. Melodies flowed well. Catchy too.
Good stuff!
not bad. you got a good sense of chords, melodies, and timing. all you have to do now is clear up your frequencies. you should cut low freq. for the synths, and pump up the mid freq for your pads and things like that. also, make sure you don't have the bass and the kick on the same frequency. that is generally why a song can sound muffled.
Also, make sure you raise the high frequencies for your hihats and clap/snares. it's hard to hear them.
keep it up.
Ya, i was having a huge problem when eqing the bass with the kicks. i tried moving kick around to make room for the bass, but in the end they over lapped and there wasn't much i could do about it( or knew how rather). in the first uploaded version i had lowered the 50-100 hertz range to solve that problem, but then lost the body of the kick and bass and the mix sounded rather empty. i kinda tossed a coin and raised it back up to give it some body. I actually had to lower allot of the mid as it was too, as it was eating up the entire mix. i added allot of sweeping hertz on the pads that caused allot larger file size than i intended. Also several lover lapping freqs at different times. each would have taken a separate automation to fix but the file size didn't allow me to post it. i have a better mastered version but the file size is 21 mb in mp3. I will most certainly fix the hats and snares and re upload pretty soon. I appreciate the time you took to toss me some advice, its always appreciated and is mainly what has helped me get to where i am right now. I still have a long way to go in several areas, mastering and mixing is the main one. thanks again for taking time to drop a review off and i hope you keep track of my future works. Possibly even drop some feed back on them aswell. =)
Hazzah! This is the kind of metal I enjoy. Added you to my favorites. :)
And more of this metal shall be pumped out soon! Muchly appreciated fella!
is there any chance you will stop using the same dam chord progression? where is the originality...
your music makes eating pizza so peaceful.
5 stars cuz your gay.
this makes me want to play simcity 4.
your kick is clipping.
Your melodies are solid. If only you could lower the sub a tad, then this would be a wonderful track.
Glad to see you're still around!
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Age 31, Male
Joined on 2/6/06