Yo mang.
Your bass lines are improving godlike :3 Like I said before, turn the crashes a bit down and also the pad. Otherwise, eargasm.
Yo mang.
Your bass lines are improving godlike :3 Like I said before, turn the crashes a bit down and also the pad. Otherwise, eargasm.
Updatedd :3 EARGASM xD
I could listen to this for hours.
All the different parts of the song sound like a completely different track, but it flows really well. Very impressive dude, I'm always looking forward for more of your stuff.
getting better
your getting better. Nice beat and melody. I'll talk to you more on e-mail
right on m8
good good
I like this. Great! u could just not make it all that squeky tho. But still...this is great!
OKay thanks.. hehe... I know,I`ve been trying to put in new stuff but no mic no new stuff,any way thanks again for the review
Its alright
ur getting better....Check out Matrix Simulator!
P.S- its on Synth_Navigator's account.
thanx for the tip db
hey its bill again
I'll tell u somethin THATS MY SONG!
P.S I'v esented u an e-mail on how to delete the song
Same gose for you
this is much better thatn the original one! I like it. but try and not make it repeat alot. still...sounds good!
Check out my stuff!!
Thanx. I've been practicing alot in FL recently due to my broken mic.
ur good for a 13 year old!!!
very good...man! I love this. U use fl6? I would like to collab!
P.S-downloading this!!
FL5 actually. Thanx for the good review and download. :D
this is aweso,e...u use Fl studio 6 right? I hope so...I live this man. Love the synths and stuff like that.
Maybe we could do a collab or somthin'
good job!
check out my stuff!
No, I use fl studio 5; 6 has to many flaws to my opinion. But about the collab; add me on MSN :) (JurrevanZwol@home.nl). I'm always thrilled to meet new artists (2 head know more then 1, 5 know more then 2, etc.) to swap experience and tipd&tricks :) Anyway, I will check out your stuff ASAP!
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Age 31, Male
Joined on 2/6/06