lay off the distortion
lay off the distortion
learn how to mix pls
THe thing about having headphones like the ones I have is that it's hare to mix so yea... :P
This is neat. don't have a lot of experience with this genre
mixing advice: make the strings wider, with more reverb. Could use some more brassier tones with an attack delay before the note hits.
don't be afraid to add some cymbal fills too.
add a bit more variation to the melody. at least a 16 bar break or something.
the ending felt off to me.
Ya man thanks
I'm having huge trouble getting things wide. And I'm afraid adding too much reverb will wash the sound. I even pan my instruments haha.
I'll have to experiment with the attack delay sounds neat.
Didn't add variation because I was trying for an evolving mix. But looks like it wasn't as interesting. Or didn't add any gestures. ;)
You have to EQ this more. Hard to tell what is going on or what I am suppose to listen for.
Some parts gets boring, but thats a personal opinion.
The overuse of the phaser on your sequencer is a bit too much.
I also recommend getting different drum packs. These are quite stale.
Cool melodies tho.
Fair enough. This was the first song I ever wrote on my computer, started and finished for a total of like 3 hours, using only the keyboard as a piano, and it was on garage band. This was before I even touched settings on instruments. At least you thought the melodies were cool because that's all I was focused on.
the mixing in this song is pretty bad
thank you for your detailed criticism :)
there isn't a real melody phrase in here. just sounds like a bunch of random syncopated notes. also the fl studio stock drums suck
the breakdown doesn't make sense to me. i've been trying to find the tonic note of this song as well, still pretty random.
ugh the fl studio stock drums are killing it for me. sorry.
nice try
Thanks for the feed back! Sorry about the syncopatation; the chords that I used didn't come out the way I had entended (they sounded better on piano). The lack of good melody phrases, sensible breakdown, and overall pitch structure probably resulted fron the fact that:
1) I made the original in a program where dynamics were not an option,
2) I made the original when I was just learning how to read sheet music,
3) That was the first time I ever used FL Studio and I barely knew how to do anything,
4) And the fact that I didn't make any fixes when remaking it.
In my more recent songs, I figured out the FL drum problem (don't know how I didn't hear that while I was making this track), and edited some samples with plugins to give them a better sound. Once I get a better computer, I'll be able to make more complex sounds. When this track was made, I didn't even know how to use plugins! Yeah... My songs must have really sucked back then. :/
I'll keep this in mind for the future. Thanks for the feedback! This account is currently for learning purposes, and I'm learning from feedback. When I learn enough, I'll start producing music professionally. (Not yet. Currently, my music sucks XD)
The mix is clear, but this does kind drag out to be honest. The snare is too dry. Add some more reverb / delay or what have you to make everything smoother. Lyrics are fine. Add some variation to the drum beat too.
at 3:12 wasn't sure if your vocal pitch drop was on purpose, felt out of tune with the rest of the track .
chord progression is pretty basic
overall its ok. not a fan of this specific style tho
Thanks for your feedback :) I'm gonna keep this in mind for future songs!
this sounds cool
why is the kick panned left lmao
its a STYLISTIC choice so do a SHUT UP
this isn't house music :C
cheese chord progression but the mix is ok
idk how you can make songs in a major chord progression. so cheesy to me hehe
Well of course it's not house XD what am I supposed to pick?
This isn't major, this is F#m :/
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Age 31, Male
Joined on 2/6/06