ayyy neato
gj man
ayyy neato
gj man
Thanks for listening! Glad you liked it :)
0:00 lol that vengeance crash
i laughed at the chord progression because I've used the same thing before in another track.
nice liquid funk sound. need some sidechain for extra energy.
not sure if its me but it feels like your drums are panned to the right, and the bass is majority in the left. kinda weird mixing imo
your main arp could use some delay.
but yeah you did some weird panning in this one. fix that
track is hella short for a liquid drum n bass track. don't be afraid of repetitiveness !
Woah, you're so fast. Sanic is very happy.
Yup, I use Vengeance samples. And where did I steal your progression? Guide me plz.
Yeah yeah it's only you that the drums and the bass are going sideways. Jk, I checked them in my FLP but they look good in the L/R meter. Must be the stereo offset. I swear I've used the double delay on that pluck. About the sidechain...not sure that I'm going to use it more than on the bass. Don't wanna go louder. But for the repetition, maybe I should make an extended version of all my short ones!
Thank you for cooking a well-done me!
prepare to get roasted
the transition at 0:40 was really abrupt. the synth at 1:25 kinda huts the hears. with the extra release I can't even hear the drums at all
why is everything so loud. Now I can't hear that synth because of the strings. man, you really gotta learn some mixdown techniques. doesn't have to be perfect but at least learn how to not max out everything.
the chord progression is pretty generic. there was no build up to that fill at 2:59 either. your arrangement is sloppy. use professional tracks as a reference next time.
3:30 is pretty random.
after 3:50 the song just drags on. at least put in some FX or something.
I don't think you got the structure of the song.
It's based on the decomposition of what you can hear at the whole beginning. It represents the main character, Haria Ghost, being broken apart by a dictatorship :
- There's the main melody (the normal electric guitar) which will come back twice later (2:41 and 4:48) and represents the personality of the main character.
- The strings, which will come back as chords (0:49) and melodies (1:53 or 3:35) represent his hope.
- The glockenspiel which come back at 3:35 represents his control of himself.
- The electric piano which come back at 3:38 represents the happiness of Haria Ghost.
- The drums and the horns, which remains very present along the song represent respectively his will to fight and his strength, which are the two things the dictatorship couldn't remove from him.
- The synthesiser represents the impact people have on him (it's the only thing which is not an orchestral instrument and which doesn't concern him directly), it will come back along the second verse and refrain (1:20-2:40), dedicated to people's growing hate about Ghost (the vocals).
- Finally, the distorted electric guitar is the main instrument of the song. It's the perpetual pressure the dictatorship has on him.
So no, 3:35 was not random, 0:45 with the key change was meant to be abrupt (the radical changing lifestyles the dictatorship imposes on people) and the finale is long because... Well because it's a finale. Don't forget there will be vocals !
But your advice on the synthesiser and strings' volume is helpful though : thanks for that !
By the way, I won't use professional tracks as a reference because I don't wanna conform. I'm taking people's advices in order to improve, I'm not copying on others.
you bout to get roasted ma8ne
ok first off : really cool effect with those bongos. the kick could use more low end, the length of it is fine though.
everything im hearing so far right now is really centered besides the bongos. use panning!
0:30 piano too loud. Use a bit of sidechain on it and lower the volume a tad. Cut a bit of the low end too. the high end from your flutes got muddy because the piano is a all over the frequency spectrum.
the crashes are too loud. your hihats and snares could use a bit of reverb.
BTW I really recommend getting a better piano soundfont. this just sounds too preset-y.
your breakdown arrangement of the track sounds a bit sloppy. when you brought part A of the track back it felt really rushed.
you have really cool ideas here. just wasn't able to execute it properly.
read a guide on EQ and volume mixing should really improve your sound tenfold.
thanks man, roast away. I appreciate that.
2 things, I made this song without clicking any beat into place, to see if the structure would come out different and I noticed it gave a bit of an anxiety to it. I like keeping my stuff... not "proper" especially with electronic. It was a tad rushed, but I was happy with it so I clicked publish. and I know what you mean by it not coming back to 'part a' with a bit more dynamic build up into a drop. I noticed that too.
I really appreciate you giving feedback like this, I will check out everything you posted. I'm only using fruity loops basic tho, hopefully that doesn't get in the way.
nice work m8
Thanks :)
cool drum loop
am i playing luigi's mansion?
No you are playing mario rpg
this makes me want to dream in 8bit graphics
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